So this week was way cool as we had our mini missionary (Sister Top) with us for most of the week! That was FUN! And she is such a good missionary, even without any MTC experience or anything. It was another solid week :)
Monday - we went to Tish, and had a WONDERFUL dinner with her and then taught Kristina again! It was such a good lesson and Milla really helped, it was cool to see how we were all guided by the spirit to change the lesson we had planned to teach to another topic.
Tuesday - SUCH a busy day. We did member splits again and this time I went with Solange, and we were able to teach a lovely old man named Frank...he is so funny. He definitely understood what we were trying to say and is praying about it so that is exciting. We were able to teach more lessons, and we had a surprise dinner with Georgie which was actually a miracle cause our dinner that night cancelled, and when we showed up to Georgies to teach a lessons, they had dinner for us! WOW. We then saw a member of our Romanian family we are teaching and had SUCH a good lesson with her. She so wants to progress and come to church, her family is just so busy...
Wednesday - we taught Kristina again, then saw Maddy (who I love to bits) and had a few more lessons, some of which were AWESOME. We are teaching this family, and the brother wants to baptize his sisters which is so so so cool. We then had ward coordination and a relief society activity!
Thursday - we had the Coventry zone meeting!!! It was SO good. We had some amazing training on how to improve and increase our faith even more, and I loved it! We then had a LOT of lessons, it was super busy but so so so good, and Kristina decided to get rid of ALL her coffee and tea and just chucked it in the bin in front of us, which was so cool. Word of wisdom keeping at its finest :) then we had this crazy miracle! We were walking to our car, and this guy is down the street a ways and he calls us and is like "hello sisters, are you having a good night?" So of course we answer him and he says "hey my name is Pete, the sisters used to visit me but I've been away for 18 months but I
want you to come visit, I live at..." And told us his address and everything and just asked us to come teach him. SO COOL.
Friday - it was Milla's (Sister Tops) last day as a missionary :( but it was good! She was so tired though, poor thing and she had prom that night haha. But it was good! We taught more lessons, and then had this awesome DA with a lady named Dorothy. She is from Ghana, and she made us African food (which I LOVE) and then after dinner she was like "OH! I need your measurements" and we were confused and she said "you are my girls! I am going to make you African clothes!" So basically we have an adopted African mom and she is feeding us and making us clothes. Life is happy :)
Saturday - we helped Adrian's tear down even more wallpaper, and then had sports! We then had a couple lessons and weekly planned and that was our day :)
Sunday - church! Church was so so so good this week. And such a cool thing - one of the sets of elders had a friend come to church, and she missed her bus so she walked for 2 HOURS to get to church. She wanted to come so bad and she loved it. She is amazing! So that was cool. We then had a couple lessons, and had to plan the Leicester zone meeting with the zone leaders there, and then had some lessons with Georgie and Kristina and that was our night! Funny story...every night we text
in to our leaders so they know all the missionaries are home and safe, and we forgot to do that AND our phone was on silent, so by the time we remembered....we had a LOT of missed calls. We called the zone leaders and felt so bad cause they had changed and gotten ready to drive over and make sure we were alive...but it was pretty funny in the end haha. Poor guys....we will buy them ice cream though.
All in all, it was a solid week. Transfers are next week (AHHH) and there is a chance I could leave, as I've been here a little while, but I'm REALLY praying to stay here one more transfer, so we will see what happens. We have been seeing a lot of miracles so hopefully they let me stay :) that would be great.
I've just been thinking this week about how really, hard work always always pays off. We have been working HARD here in Coventry. I'm exhausted every day, and like...SO exhausted. But we have seen miracles every single day and every week and every month and I am so grateful for how God blesses us when we work hard. We are so loved. I know as we continue to work hard, more miracles will come, which will be AMAZING! No matter what, if we work hard at what we do, we will see
miracles, even if they don't come in the way we expect.
Thank you all for the support and love!
Love you all lots!
~ Sister Emma Beazer
send real mail to:
Sister Emma Beazer
67 Blondvil Street
or the Mission Home Address:
Sister Emma Beazer
England Birmingham Mission
187 Penns Lane
Sutton Coldfield
West Midlands
United Kingdom
B76 1JU
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