So there are lots of changes coming this week. My new companion is Sister Gillette, fun fact - she is actually Sister Lowder's best friend from home AND Sister Chen trained her, so we've got some good connections there. I'm so excited to be with her! PLUS she isn't going home so I'm not sending anyone else home for now :) so happy. She is a new STL so it'll be fun to train her in that and we are getting more sets of sisters to look after so a lot of good stuff is happening here in Coventry!!!
Sister Rasmussen goes home tomorrow which is way sad...but it'll be good for her! She has some good stuff planned for her life and I am excited to see what happens for her :)
This It's been crazy. We had 2 exchanges (pictures to come) and a lot of craziness, but it's been fabulous. I don't have much time to write cause we have to go to Birmingham for Sister Rasmussen's departing interview, but it was a great last week with her and we worked HARD and miracles are coming because of it!
1. don't be afraid
2. have faith
3. work
4. do what is right
5. persevere to the end.
Woo back to the points! These are just so good - and they honestly have been applying so well to my mission lately. So point number 4 is do what is right.
In my mission I have seen how important this is. There is a scripture that says "consider...the blessed and happy state of those that keep the commandments of God. For behold, they are blessed in all things, both temporal and spiritual.." This is so true. We talks to lots of people every single day - many people who are SO unhappy. Happiness comes as we live the way we should, as we take care of ourselves and others, and follow the commandments of God. True happiness comes from living right, and doing what is right every day! There is a ring I've got that I wear every day that has CTR on it, which reminds me every single day to choose the right.
There was a lady we taught this week who asked us, "when I have to make a hard choice, how do I know what to do?" We just said, "ask yourself what Christ would do in this situation, and do it!" Christ lived a perfect life to be that example for us, so that we know what to do and how to do it. As we do what is right every day, we truly will be happy! There is a "glow" that people have when they are doing what is right and you can see it! I love the happiness glow :) and my challenge to you this week is to do what is right every day! Just serve and love and try your best to live as Christ would, and see how it affects your week. That extra focus on always doing what is right will bring miracles.
I love you all!! Thank you for your constant support and love.
~ Sister Emma Beazer
I love you all!! Thank you for your constant support and love.
~ Sister Emma Beazer
send real mail to:
Sister Emma Beazer
67 Blondvil Street
or the Mission Home Address:
Sister Emma Beazer
England Birmingham Mission
187 Penns Lane
Sutton Coldfield
West Midlands
United Kingdom
B76 1JU