Dear Family and Friends,
Ok...I swear each week just gets crazier and crazier this transfer haha. So busy....and so tired this week. But it has been good.
Monday - so we went bowling as a district with Georgie and Claudia and Salonge, and it was SO fun!!! I may or may not have been winning during the second that is good haha. We then went to Tish's house for dinner, and then went and saw one of our amazing friends who was having a really hard time, and I think we were able to just brighten her day and remind her how much God loves her.
Tuesday - so....we were supposed to go to Birmingham to pick up some sisters from Leicester, so we went BUT all the new missionaries luggage got lost and then found and it wasn't coming till around 7:30 that night, so we drove back to Coventry, did some service and taught some lessons and then drove back to Birmingham, then to Leicester to drop the sisters off, then back to Coventry....lets just say all that driving was EXHAUSTING, and we got home late so it was really quite an adventure.
Wednesday - so we drove to Warwick and picked up the sisters there for exchanges!!! Woo! I was with sister Frandsen (who was with sister Chen and I for 2 weeks last transfer) and we had loads of fun, and met some really cool new people who want to learn more about God and it was awesome! Sister Rasmussen and I forgot to plan our training for zone meeting the next day so we also had to do that later on haha.
Thursday - zone meeting!!! Zone meeting went really well, I think we all learned a lot and we got to use our musical skills too. Elder smith and I played the ukulele and sister Rasmussen and elder mthethwa joined us and we sang a child of God. It actually was pretty fun and I think it brought the spirit as well :) we then ended exchanges and they travelled home and we taught a lot of lessons! We didn't have a DA..and we were both so tired that we just slept for the entire hour of dinner. We then had a couple more lessons, which was amazing and...yeah! It was a good day
Friday - so we weekly planned in the morning and actually finished all our planning, which was a first for me in this area so that was fabulous, and then we had a few lessons! For some reason everyone seemed to forget they were meeting with we ended up doing a lot of finding. Then we got dropped by a couple people and were really having a hard time and then ended up having an amazing lesson with a friend, being able to answer all his questions and things and it was so good!!! We then saw Claudia and Salonge and had a late dinner with them.
Saturday - we taught some lessons in the morning and then went to sports!!! A lot of people came which was SO good. Then we had a few more amazing lessons, and then went to Warwick as the sisters there had a baptism, and were able to support them and get some people there as well to see it! It was a wonderful day.
Sunday - MIRACLE DAY!!! So basically, we were really sad cause none of the people we met came to church, but we asked a member to come out teaching with us after church, and she did. We went to the lessons we had planned and he asked us to come back in half an hour, so we went finding with this member, and were talking to these two lovely ladies, who asked us if we could just sit down with them then and there and have a lesson, so we did! It was amazing, and they just wanted to learn so much and we are so excited to see them later this week! We then went back to the man we were supposed to have a lesson with earlier, and the lesson we had was AMAZING. He committed to be baptised and really wants to follow God. It was seriously an amazing miracle day. I'm going back to those 5 points I talked about awhile ago.
1. don't be afraid
2. have faith
3. work
4. do what is right
5. persevere to the end.
This week I want to talk about the third one - WORK. There is a quote that I love that says "the best moments in our lives usually occur when a persons body or mind is stretched to its limits in a voluntary effort to accomplish something difficult and worthwhile." I love this quote, and it is so true. The happiest I have been in my life is when I am working my hardest to accomplish something great. My mission has been that way for is hard. It is one of the hardest things I've ever done. But it is so great, and as I work hard, I am so very very happy. We can never be truly happy if we just sit on our couch doing nothing....but when we get out and work our hardest, that is when the best moments in our life happen. I definitely know that is true.
This week I was thinking a lot about some dreams and goals I have for my life. Sometimes, it seems like dreams are impossible. But I know if we set goals to work up to those dreams, and WORK for it, we can do anything. I've picked a couple things I want to achieve in life, and from now onward, I am working to achieve them no matter how much work it takes. My challenge to you all is to pick a dream that you have, and to work your hardest to achieve it. It doesn't have to be a huge one, it can be anything from learning a song on the guitar, to getting a certain score on a test, to beating your personal best in a race. Whatever it is, work for it, and you will achieve it.
Love you all!
Sister Beazer
send real mail to:
Sister Emma Beazer
67 Blondvil Street
or the Mission Home Address:
Sister Emma Beazer
England Birmingham Mission
187 Penns Lane
Sutton Coldfield
West Midlands
United Kingdom
B76 1JU
cathedral.. |
Exchanges |
Zone meeting pictures... |
...the power is out... |
Aren't we the luckiest Moms being able to peek in on them and find them doing so well, and being so happy in the process! AHHH, thank you, thank you! Love, Sister Rasmussen's Mom