WOW! So I am just going to share a couple quick miracles from the week, cause...who doesn't love miracles?
Miracle #1 - Exchanges with the Peterborough sisters!! So this week we were doing a sister CHALLENGE week with all the sisters we work with, and we got to do some of the challenges while we were with the Peterborough sisters on exchange which was awesome. We prayed about being able to hand out a Book of Mormon in a different language, and took a Czech one out with us and lo and behold, we knocked on a door and a Czech family lived there! and accepted our copy of the Book of Mormon in their native tongue. So that was a miracle! I was with Sister Koivisto for the exchange, and she is fantastic! Just a few weeks out on the mission and already working hard and talking with everyone. So cool to see how prepared the greenies are for their missions - they just don't realize how great they are! So much faith and enthusiasm for the work. I love it'
Miracle #2 - We met a random guy outside the library while waiting for another guy to show up for our lesson (he never showed up) and we ended up teaching this man named Jay, who had met missionaries like 10 years ago! And he had never given them his number, but he still has a Book of Mormon and he gave us his number and we met with him again the next day! He is AWESOME! And has so many questions, and accepted baptism as soon as he knows that this is true. SO COOL.
Miracle #3 - we are teaching this amazing family who is SO PREPARED. There is the mom, and then 3 teenage kids (15, 13, and 11 years old) and then a baby who is just over 1 year old. We taught them the Plan of Salvation this week, and they accepted a baptismal date and are preparing for it and seem SO EXCITED. The oldest girl who is 15 was like "so if I come to church and love it, can I just get baptised like next week?" So awesome. They are so prepared and excited about the gospel :)
Miracle #4 and my thought for the week - GENERAL CONFERENCE! So remember how I sent out last week about preparing for conference? Well...this last week I worked really hard to really prepare myself for conference. And let me tell you...ALL MY QUESTIONS WERE ANSWERED! So crazy. Some weren't answered as specifically as I was expecting, but I know my next steps and what I need to do now, so that has been so cool! I love receiving answers to questions, and conference was so inspiring and amazing. One of my favourite talks was the one by Kazuhiko Yamashitu (I hope I spelled that right) and he talked about being ambitious for Christ. I loved the quote from his son "Though I am experiencing a lot of difficulties, I am truly happy." Because that is seriously how I feel every day. My mission is HARD. It is one of the hardest things I have ever done in my life. I have cried over people, watched people make mistakes that hurt them so badly, and just seen a lot of sadness and pain. But...I have also seen how the gospel truly blesses those who live it. The gospel is what brings TRUE JOY to people. I have never been happier than I am now, as a missionary, and that is because I am truly living the gospel. And my whole purpose as a missionary is to bring that joy to people! Elder Nelson said in his talk, “That is why our missionaries leave their homes to preach His gospel. Their goal is not to increase the number of Church members,” said President Nelson. “Rather, our missionaries teach and baptize to bring joy to the people of the world.” And that truly is why I am out here. I want to bring joy to all those I teach and work with, because I have seen in my own life how much joy the gospel brings! It is amazing. This gospel is a gospel of happiness. "Adam fell, that men might be, and men are, that they might have joy!" This is so true. I hope each of you are feeling joy every day, and if challenge to you is to pray, read from the scriptures, and follow the gospel. That is what truly will bring you happiness. I know it :)
I love you all lots!
~ Sister Emma Beazer
send real mail to:
Sister Emma Beazer
28 Pasteur House
City Heights
Ockbrooke Drive
28 Pasteur House
City Heights
Ockbrooke Drive
or the Mission Home Address:
Sister Emma Beazer
England Birmingham Mission
187 Penns Lane
Sutton Coldfield
West Midlands
United Kingdom
B76 1JU
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