Dear Family and Friends,
Hello hello hello :)
"Miracles and blessings, miracles and blessings, God will pour them on us like salad dressing" - Elder Clayton
This week has indeed been filled with miracles and with blessings! Oh my goodness, I am so blessed. First of all...some transfer dodge. So transfers are next Tuesday (the 29th) and....I got a call last night and...I will be training a brand new missionary! So it looks like Peterborough will be my last area and I will have a greenie for my last 2 transfers :) oh happy day! So that's a bit crazy, I'm excited and nervous and can't wait for that adventure! My poor new daughter doesn't know what's coming haha. As sister McAravey says "this chick is crazy!" But we will definitely be working hard these next 2 transfers.
But wait...there is more! This week we have seen AMAZING miracles! First of all, we are teaching the cutest little lady named Helena. She is from East Timor (I swear we are teaching so many people from East Timor) and she LOVES her saviour Jesus Christ. AND she decided to prepare to get baptised before Christmas!! AH! We are so excited for her. So that was a huge miracle that came from all our finding efforts the last couple weeks.
We also were able to teach a lady named Brenda from Nigeria that we found a couple weeks ago. We've taught her 3 times now, and unfortunately she is moving back to Nigeria on Wednesday...BUT, she loves the gospel and she is planning on meeting with missionaries there, her neighbour at home is a member of the church and she is going to ask her more and so that is amazing. I am grateful we were able to start teaching her, even if we won't get to see her baptism here.
We had exchanges this week as well and I got to be with Sister Gillette which was so awesome! It was so fun to go on an exchange with a previous companion haha. She goes home at transfers thought and that just makes me so sad, but it was so fun to be with her. We brought my ukulele with us and sang to a bunch of people, and saw loads and loads of miracles together as always :) miracles happen on exchanges.
We also had zone meeting which was fantastic, it gave me a reminder about using my scriptures more in lessons and things, so I'm excited to use that AND i got to see some of my favourite people :)
AND...we had stake conference, and here is a huge miracle....we got to have a sleepover in Demontfort with SISTER SHARP!!! I love her so much, it was so fun to spend the night there and I even cut her hair which was exciting haha. 4th haircut I've done on my's interesting what skills we learn out here. Stake conference was amazing as well, we got to hear the testimonies of new members which is one of my favourite things ever :) it was awesome.
Also we taught Rastislav this week and...he wants to pick a day to get baptised so that is a miracle as well! Yay for finding our investigator who was lost.
Basically....I am so happy. And so grateful for the blessings I have....I don't even really understand why I am so blessed, but I am so grateful for it. Life is good, and the mission is awesome, and I am a happy sister missionary.
I love you all lots!
~ Sister Emma Beazer
e-mail anytime:
send real mail to:
Sister Emma Beazer
16 Lime Kiln Close
West Park
or the Mission Home Address:
Sister Emma Beazer
England Birmingham Mission
187 Penns Lane
Sutton Coldfield
West Midlands
United Kingdom
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