Dear Family and Friends,
Hello again!
You will be happy to hear that this week was NOT the hardest week of my entire mission :) in fact, it's been one of the best. Not that anything too crazy happened....just...a lot of happiness has been had in the last week. Here are some miracles for you!
- So first of all...WE FOUND RASTISLAV! Remember our gypsy investigator who was lost? Yep. We found him. Basically, he called us out of the blue with a new phone number and was so sad we hadn't been in contact (but he changed his number so there was no way for us to contact him). We've set up an appointment with him and it should be good!
- Tracting brings miracles. So since we had a rough week last week, we were left this week with hardly anyone to teach. So, we went out finding! A LOT of finding happened. And we found some amazing people to teach. We decided to go out knocking on doors, sharing the Christmas video from last year (we don't have the one for this year yet) and it was SO successful. People love Christmas generally, and so we had a lot of people let us in to share it, and invite us to come back, so this next week should be really good as we go visit the 30 or so people we found :) one of the coolest one was this family we met from Portugal! So we knocked on the door, one of the daughters answered and we started the video and she loved it and halfway through was like, "hey come inside, it's cold, and share this with my family!" So we walk in and...there is a HUGE family! 7 kids, which is a LOT, and the parents. We were able to share the video with most of the family, and they loved it and invited us back for this next week! WOOT WOOT! Miracles are flowing.
- Service brings miracles. So on Saturday we were helping with the poppy appeal (where they sell poppies to remember the soldiers) and we were standing out in the freezing cold rain for 3 hours, which was exciting. But we met the most amazing, lovely people. While we are helping we aren't supposed to proselyte, but we just speak to people and are friendly and we had a guy talk to us who invited us to visit him on Sunday! So we went on Sunday, and brought one of the church members with us and he is awesome! He has some super interesting beliefs, a lot of which actually line up exactly with what we believe, so we gave him a Book of Mormon, he is going to read it, and we are going to see him this week!
- Thanksgiving and Americans :) so there are a couple American families in our ward here, and one of them had us over for an early American thanksgiving, and it was AWESOME. As the dad said "eat until you fall asleep" haha. Then on Sunday they showed up with a huge bag full of food and American goodies for us cause they are just that nice. I love nice people :)
- Portuguese food! So there is a less active mom and son we are working with from Portugal, who made us this dish and we cooked it with them! It was SOOOO good and so fun to make, so that is a miracle as well.
Basically...this week has been so happy. I am so so grateful for my saviour who helps me when times are hard. And so so grateful that we always get blessings when we do the right things and work our hardest. The blessings don't always come right away, but they do come. This week wasn't like...the most miracle filled week of my mission, but it was one of the happiest simply because I took more time to be grateful for the little things. Sometimes it's just being happy because the rain stops when you have to bike up a big hill, or being happy when someone smiles at you instead of glaring, or just...the little things. I love my mission. Thank you to everyone who emailed me this week, it really boosted me up as well. I truly appreciate it.
I love you all lots!
~ Sister Emma Beazer
e-mail anytime:
emma.beazer@myldsmail.netsend real mail to:
Sister Emma Beazer
16 Lime Kiln Close
West Park
or the Mission Home Address:
Sister Emma Beazer
England Birmingham Mission
187 Penns Lane
Sutton Coldfield
West Midlands
United Kingdom
B76 1JU
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